
Forget the Strike, Forget the Angels and Rams, We Deserve a New Ballpark : Facilities: A sports center presents a chance to continue on the path to becoming a world-class community.

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<i> Katherine M. Baab is an Orange County architect and community planning consultant. </i>

Despite the baseball strike, Orange County deserves a new ballpark. Not necessarily for the Angels or the Rams, but for the people of Orange County. We are ready for and entitled to a world-class sports entertainment complex.

We should not be too concerned about “saving” the Rams, keeping the Angels solvent, or increasing revenue from box seats. Instead of policy-makers asking what the teams’ owners want, they should be looking at what we want; what is in the best interest of our community?

With all the posturing going on, combined with the very pragmatic issue of enormous cost, it is easy to overlook the essential issue: Public buildings should be civic landmarks, not mere government “facilities.” At stake here is community identity, good planning and local pride. It is time for Orange County to have a great public gathering place.

There are some terrific ballparks in the U.S. that enjoy tremendous community admiration. Devotees of Wrigley Field and Fenway Park are legendary. I don’t consider myself a sports fan at all, but if I were visiting Baltimore, the new Oriole Park at Camden Yards would be one of my first stops. Located in the heart of town, it is not only functional, but has become a very positive symbol of the community, in addition to increasing hotel and convention revenues.


Many cities have special places that are a source of local pride, yet they are not wrapped up in serving only a single interest group. Churchill Downs, the cherished home of the Kentucky Derby, holds infield auto shows and other celebrations along with horse racing. It is one of the country’s most successful racetracks because of its charm, character and festive atmosphere. The recently restored Del Mar Racetrack is a closer example of a place redesigned for a more enjoyable afternoon outing. The Rose Bowl hosts events from swap meets to World Cup soccer. It is not just a football stadium. The Hollywood Bowl is not just a bandstand. The Golden Gate Bridge is not just a highway crossing a bay. These are important symbols of their communities, as well as positive images recognized across the nation.

The idea of a new sports complex presents an opportunity for Orange County to continue its path toward becoming a world-class community. We have spent the last 20 years evolving from a bedroom suburb to a desirable edge city attracting new residents from all parts of the world. We have many outstanding symbols in the county: the Orange County Performing Arts Center, John Wayne Airport, UC Irvine, Fashion Island, Disneyland, Laguna Beach, MainPlace, Crystal Cathedral, The Pond, Triangle Square, Tustin Marketplace and Balboa Pavilion and others. Each meets high standards of quality, cleanliness and safety.

Now let’s move forward! Our next civic landmark, the Orange County Sports-Center could become the showplace of our community. Let’s encourage the designers, whomever they may be, to reflect544175474ly, and that can be reflected in the building of our entertainment complexes and sporting arenas.


There are many creative ideas floating around among the ball team supporters: selling stock options on the Rams for one; renewing interest in the monorail is another. Maybe one of Orange County’s fine thinkers could explore converting our beloved “blimp” hangars into a ballpark grandstand; train tracks go right past the Marine Base for a possible rail connection.

The time is right to recognize that Orange County is truly a distinctive place with a unique character. We have the incredible opportunity to be leaders in building a community with an outstanding quality of life. We must express concern for the quality of our surroundings and the character of our built environment. If policy-makers are going to spend millions of dollars, let’s make sure it is done well.

And then, if the Angels or Rams ask us r-e-a-l nice, maybe we’ll let them stay.
