
Stevie Nicks at Greek


Yes, I do believe it’s been nearly 20 years since Stevie Nicks graced our presence with Fleetwood Mac (“Time Stands Still at Greek for Stevie Nicks and Fans,” Aug. 27).

I was at one show, and it did not appear to me that Nicks was in denial, as Steve Hochman says. We fans know Nicks as a dramatic individual. Her songs have meaning, all of them. She expresses them with great individualism and heart. No bad review from Hochman will ever change that.

Nicks’ old songs have special meaning to us--”Dreams,” “Rhiannon,” “Gold Dust Woman,” “Landslide” and “I Need to Know”--as they do to her. Maybe next time Nicks is in town Hochman could try to see the tradition being performed.


