
SIMI VALLEY : Hazardous Waste Disposal Planned


Residents of Simi Valley, Moorpark and nearby communities can dispose of toxic household wastes that cannot be dumped with the weekly garbage during a Household Hazardous Waste Roundup on Saturday.

At the roundup, participants can dump such materials as motor oil, paints and solvents, pool chemicals, fertilizer, antifreeze, batteries and fluorescent-light tubes.

Participants can make appointments to dump the toxic materials by calling the Simi Valley Environmental Services Department at 583-6321. Once given an appointment, residents will be mailed an admission pass identifying the disposal location.


No more than five gallons of liquid waste will be accepted nor will more than 50 pounds of solids. The exception is for motor oil, which can be brought in four five-gallon containers.

Although they make up only a small portion of landfill garbage, hazardous household wastes account for a large part of the toxic materials at community dumps, authorities said.

Pat Pieres, solid waste programs analyst for Simi Valley, said the city dumps about 230 tons of hazardous household waste a year at the Simi Valley Landfill. That is less than 0.1% of total rubbish, but a large part of its toxic waste.
