
Monterey Park: Resolving Differences Between Officials, Residents

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Irv Gilman claims that the confrontation involving Monterey Park Library Board President Kathleen Brzozowski was much ado about nothing (Oct. 13).

When the board president intentionally hurls an object at individuals with whom she disagrees and then threatens to strike them with her walking stick, it’s safe to assume that most members of society would take offense at this kind of behavior.

Perhaps Mr. Gilman approves of this method for resolving one’s differences. I believe he would be in the minority. Individuals should be free to disagree with others in the community without the fear of physical violence. Those who gathered at the library board meeting only wished to make public opinions about some remarks made by Ms. Brzozowski that they found offensive.


I have seen Mr. Gilman publicly disagree with members of the City Council during meetings. Would he approve if those members physically threatened him? I would think not.

As for Mayor Judy Chu’s celebration of Harmony Month in Monterey Park, it seeks to accomplish just that: Celebrate the city’s cultural diversity while promoting greater dialogue among all groups and citizen participation in community affairs. Learning to resolve our differences peacefully is a key element. This is what separates civilization from anarchy, Mr. Gilman.


Monterey Park
