
Santa Clarita / Antelope Valley : Prop. 187 Hate Flyers Found in Mailboxes : Saugus: Materials urging the killing of illegal immigrants are hand-delivered to residences on three streets.

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Flyers advocating the killing of illegal immigrants and the passage of Proposition 187 have appeared in local mailboxes, apparently left by a militant white supremacist, authorities said Wednesday.

The flyers were hand-delivered, not mailed, to residences on at least three streets in Saugus this week, said Sgt. Howard Fairchild of the Santa Clarita Valley sheriff’s station.

About six people have reported finding the flyers, but Fairchild said he suspects many more received them.


“I believe we just got the tip of the iceberg,” he said. “Most people probably just threw them in the trash.”

At least one other flyer was found last week in Glendale, said Tzivia Schwartz, an attorney for the Anti-Defamation League. Schwartz said she believes a man who has placed similar literature in stores and school lockers throughout Southern California the past couple years is responsible, though no one has been charged.

One Saugus recipient said her husband found the flyer when he went out for the mail Monday morning. Sarah Hicks, 52, said if the person who put it there is trying to collect support for Proposition 187, which would deny state-funded medical care and education to illegal immigrants, then he or she is not succeeding.


“I was going to vote ‘yes’ for it, but I don’t know now,” Hicks said. “I don’t like that kind of stuff. I don’t like hate against other nationalities. It just upsets the both of us.”

Another Saugus resident told sheriff’s deputies he was smoking a cigarette in his garage about 4 a.m. Tuesday when he heard a car pull up to his mailbox, put something in it, and possibly stop at other houses along the street. When the car left, the man found one of the flyers in his mailbox.

The flyer proclaims: “If it ain’t white . . . waste it!” and shows a drawing of a dark-haired, mustachioed man being shot repeatedly by a shotgun. It urges readers to vote “yes” on Proposition 187 and supports the deportation of African Americans, Latinos and Southeast Asians.


A Glendale phone number listed on all the flyers was answered by a recording of a man promoting himself as “the voice of reason.” Schwartz of the ADL said the man she believes is responsible for the flyers works in cooperation with but is not a part of the militant White Aryan Resistance.

“As far as I can tell, this is one guy doing this, and this is all he does,” Schwartz said.

Fairchild said sheriff’s officials are investigating the matter as a possible civil rights violation. He said they have a suspect, but not enough evidence to arrest him.

“What we’d like to do is know how many more people got affected by this,” he said.

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