
The Subject Is Freedom


In response to Kevin Ross’ piece on Proposition 187 (“Is Black-Latino Friction a Voting-Booth Issue,?” Oct. 24), I would like him to consider the following proposal:

“The People of California find and declare as follows:

That they have suffered and are suffering economic hardship caused by the presence of black people in this state.


That they have suffered and are suffering personal injury and damage caused by the criminal conduct of blacks in this state.

That they have a right to protection of their government from any person or persons that are black.

Therefore, the People declare their intention to provide cooperation between their agencies of state and local government with the federal government, and to establish a system of required notification by and between such agencies to prevent black people in the United States from receiving benefits or public services in the State of California.”

That is how Proposition 187 would read if black people were substituted for illegal aliens.

Can Ross really be telling us that it’s OK to do this as long as it’s aimed at Latinos?

As a 12th grader at Birmingham High School and the son of an Asian father and Latina mother, I think it is sad that an African American who knows the struggle his race has gone through to be free is willing to stop another race because of “a strained relationship.”

Ross seems to think that he is safe from the effects of Proposition 187 because he is not an illegal immigrant. Doesn’t he realize that any type of discrimination makes us all a little less free? Grow up, dude!



Los Angeles
