
By Any Other Name


As an ardent supporter of the Fund for the Feminist Majority and the important work it does on behalf of abortion rights, I attended their comedy fund-raiser at which Roseanne appeared (“A Rose Is a Rose, but Not Roseanne,” Nov. 19). Her “act” was one of the grossest displays of egocentricity I have ever seen. Not only did she not bother to prepare any material --clearly she thought her presence was enough to entertain the audience--she also did not bother to figure out who she was addressing.

At an event that was subtitled “feminists do have a sense of humor,” she presented one of the ugliest displays of male-bashing I have ever witnessed. And she attacked the men who have not only shown support of women’s issues but many of whom have been on the front lines of the abortion issue defending a woman’s right to reproductive freedom.

I have been proud to call myself a feminist for more than 20 years. In doing so, I have fought to erase the stigma and misconception that feminists are “men haters.” The feminists I know respect and appreciate men and value their support. It was clear from her vitriolic and pathetic display that Roseanne does not hate men. She hates herself.


