
Gov. Wilson and 187


Gov. Pete Wilson ought to redirect all of his energies from Proposition 187 to bolstering the economy of all Californians. He could start mending his fences by reaching out to those countries south of the border, from Mexico to Tierra del Fuego, encouraging trade both ways in anticipation of NAFTA.

One thing we strongly believe Wilson ought to remember is that this country has been blessed because it has always been helpful to the helpless; he should not push to have these blessings removed from the U.S.



Long Beach

Once again, we voters have permitted ourselves to be bamboozled into allowing the candidates to determine the ground on which they run. The most telling case for me was the race for governor. Wilson could never have been reelected if had run on his record, so he ran instead on the fears and prejudices inherent in Proposition 187 and won without raising a sweat. What a bunch of saps we are for letting him get away with it!



Huntington Beach

Your Column One article on Kathleen Brown’s “doomed campaign” (Nov. 14) may put to rest a new urban myth: the miraculous comeback from ruin of Wilson (a myth perpetuated in your own news columns).

Give the governor credit for a lot: campaigning mostly on issues, eschewing mostly the gross personal attacks of his party-mate from Santa Barbara, picking popular positions to publicize (anti-CLAS, anti-gun meltdown, pro 187)--i.e., practicing the art of the professional politician, an honorable occupation notwithstanding this year’s rhetoric to the contrary. But “spectacular comeback”? Only until the campaign started.


San Diego
