
VENTURA : Jobless Claims to Be Filed by Phone

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After the end of the year, the public will no longer be able to file unemployment claims in person at Ventura’s Employment Development Department, officials said Thursday.

The Ventura EDD office will be converted to a phone center after Dec. 30, handling unemployment claims and job service functions exclusively by mail and telephone, manager Annette Havens said.

Advances in automation technology and telephone call processing allow EDD workers to perform their duties more efficiently by phone or mail, Havens said. The Ventura office is one of several EDD offices throughout the state that will become phone centers, she said.


People needing assistance with unemployment claims or with job searches can receive it by calling 654-6900.

The EDD offices in Oxnard and Simi Valley will remain open to the public, Havens said. Both offices are open Mondays through Fridays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
