
A summary of selected City Hall actions this week affecting central Los Angeles.



* PARKER CENTER: Approved a $182,000 contract with the Sherman Oaks consulting firm of Kosmont and Associates to evaluate the feasibility of replacing the police headquarters at Parker Center with a new building. If the building is to remain in use, it will require extensive upgrading and remodeling, and this study will determine the more cost-effective course of action.

* REPAIRED BUILDINGS: Removed three properties from the city’s Rent Escrow Account Program, which is designed to encourage landlords to quickly repair and better maintain their buildings. Once a building is placed into REAP, the tenants place their rents into a city account; the city keeps $50 of every rent payment until the landlords make the repairs. The properties were removed from the program because their problems, which in all cases involved earthquake repair, have been fixed. They are at 504 S. Bonnie Brae Street, 725 S. Witmer St., and 4814 S. Vermont Ave.

* WILSHIRE ZONING CHANGE: Approved a zoning change along Wilshire Boulevard between Fairfax Avenue and the Beverly Hills border that will limit the size of new buildings. The impetus for the change was a planned 19-story building on Wilshire at La Jolla Avenue that sparked outrage from residents of neighboring 6th Street, who complained that the structure would block much of their sunlight. The building will be redrawn as a tapered 14-story structure designed to limit light blockage to nearby properties.


* STREET CLOSURES: Approved the following street closures in Eastside housing projects for the Feliz Navidad Project, an event that provides gifts, entertainment and refreshments to more then 12,000 children living in Aliso Village, Pico/Aliso, Ramona Gardens and Estrada Courts: Lancaster Avenue between Murchison Street and Tremont Street today from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m., Via Las Vegas between Clarence Street and Utah Street on Saturday from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m., and 5th Street between Clarence Street and Pecan Street on Dec. 18 from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.


How South-Central and Eastside City Council representatives voted on selected issues.

* STREET MAINTENANCE: Approved a Bureau of Street Maintenance request to exempt 21 positions from the city’s hiring freeze. The action will allow $544,000 to be used to hire persons responsible for services that include fixing potholes, cleaning alleys and trimming trees. Passed 12-0. Voting yes: Richard Alatorre, Mike Hernandez, Jackie Goldberg, Rudy Svorinich Jr., Rita Walters. Absent: Nate Holden, Mark Ridley-Thomas.
