
Airport Food


Regarding “Brand Name Food Courts at LAX,” (Travel Insider, Oct. 23): As a former airline executive, I have had to deal with many city/county-owned airport administrations. The traveling public has every right to voice its displeasure with the high cost and low quality of food sold at many airports. However, the concessionaires are seldom the true culprits. If Panda Express, KFC, Burger King, etc. were able to obtain suitable rental space at rates comparable to nearby malls, I am certain they would be more willing to charge the same prices as they do off-airport. But greedy civil servants running airports such as LAX as independent profit centers usually charge tenants (not just food concessions) high rent plus a healthy share of the profits. The City Council is not likely to intervene on behalf of the “victims,” as the bulk of the airport shoppers are travelers residing in other cities/countries without local voting rights.


Los Angeles
