
MISSION VIEJO : Planners, Store Reach Display Compromise

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Trying to decide whether outside-the-window graphics requested by a Cost Plus violate the city’s sign ordinance, the Planning Commission offered a compromise to store officials.

Instead of rejecting the proposal, commissioners Monday decided to compromise by letting the merchandiser refine the display under the guidance of the city Architectural Review Committee.

The proposed window graphics were five-foot shadow cutouts of figures representing crafts and goods such as ceramics and basketry. The eight icons would decorate the Cost Plus store at 28341 Marguerite Parkway.


Cost Plus World Market art director Leotie Pratt said the display is intended to be art to enhance the store, not to advertise products. The three-dimensional window graphics would be recessed into the storefront by four feet and placed under glass, she said.

Commissioners recognized that the window graphics requested by Cost Plus couldn’t be strictly defined as advertising signs.

“This isn’t the kind of sign you’d stick up with Scotch tape to advertise the daily lunch special,” Commissioner Norm Murray said.


City Development Director Clint Sherrod said “these icons can be reworked to identify the product” by working through the Architectural Review Committee.
