
Brea’s Panhandler Law to Take Effect

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A new city law aimed at panhandlers, vendors and other people who loiter on street medians is scheduled to go into effect Thursday.

The law received final approval Dec. 6 by a unanimous vote of the City Council.

City Manager Frank Benest said the measure was drafted in response to a “proliferation of vendors and panhandlers” in center medians and creating safety hazards for pedestrians and motorists.

Violators will be subject to a $100 fine for the first offense. A second offense will be punishable by a $200 fine, and a $500 fine could be levied for the third and any subsequent violations.


The new law originally was to have taken effect in October. But because the city ordinance was not published within 15 days of its original passage on Sept. 20, the measure had to come back before the council for reconsideration.

The measure received unanimous council support.
