
Job-Specific Training Is Important, Survey Reports

<i> Compiled by Jack Searles</i>

A large majority of executives who head small businesses in Ventura County believe that job-specific training is important, according to a survey conducted by the Ventura Institute of Technology.

The institute, a training organization based in Simi Valley, says 94% of those questioned said job-related education is vital to employees and employers.

The institute surveyed 580 companies to assess their training needs.

When asked what types of job-specific training were most needed, the executives listed total quality management, problem-solving techniques and self-directed work team.


Also mentioned as important were customer service, marketing, advertising, selling, public relations, employer-employee relations and basic supervision.

John D. Greiman, the institute’s president, said 73% of the respondents did not have a budget for training.

The institute offers state-funded training through the state Employment Training Panel.

A private, nonprofit school, the institute says it has trained employees of 65 Ventura County manufacturing and service organizations.
