
Comments About Rev. King Criticized


I find myself compelled to address the action of (Laguna Niguel) Councilman Eddie Rose at our City Council meeting of Jan. 3, where he refused to support a resolution honoring the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

As I am sure you are now aware, media coverage of this unfortunate incident was immediate and widespread throughout Southern California. I am writing this letter due to media comments that have unfairly characterized the people of Laguna Niguel, based solely on the extreme views of one particular individual. Mr. Rose’s action clearly does not, in my view, represent the tolerance, values and friendliness of the vast majority of people living in Laguna Niguel. In fact, the 4-to-1 City Council vote in favor of the resolution recognizing Dr. King was very much indicative of the prevailing attitudes in our community.

Laguna Niguel is the place my wife and I chose to raise our three sons. Our primary reason was the great people who live here. I am proud of the City Council’s action to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and even more proud of the outpouring of support from Laguna Niguel residents.



Mayor, Laguna Niguel

* So, Mr. Rose, Dr. King is an individual of “dubious background” unworthy of praise by the Laguna Niguel City Council (“Rose Rebuts City Praise for Struggle of Rev. King,” Jan. 5).

This is the same Dr. King who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize; given innumerable honorary degrees by universities around the world; beloved by millions of Americans of all religions, creeds, races and political views; honored America with his 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech in Washington, D.C.; is considered one of the greatest figures to emerge from the 20th Century, and who was the foremost proponent of nonviolence along with Mahatma Gandhi.

Mr. Rose, is this the same Dr. King who is an individual of “dubious background”?

As the great attorney Joseph Welch said to Sen. Joseph McCarthy some 40 years ago--”Have you no shame at last”--Mr. Rose?


Laguna Niguel
