
Malathion Is Not as Safe as Stated


In an article Dec. 30, Dr. Gary Feldman scolded the Group Against Spraying People for scaring the public with erroneous information.

Feldman stated, “There is absolutely no evidence at this point that would link malathion to cancer or human birth defects,” according to a Yale University school of medicine study. This statement is of serious concern to me.

Dr. Nachman Brautman, USC clinical professor of medicine, states: “It seems clear to me that from a medical causation and medical probability, malaoxon is a potential hematological carcinogen. I can see where someone who is not familiar with the causation issue may state that this is not the case, however, I will have to disagree with such a person.”


Dr. Adrian Gross, EPA toxicologist, and Dr. Melvin Rueber, pioneer in the area of malathion research, say that malathion and malaoxon are carcinogens.

I have two sons with asthma and they both attend school in the spray zone. I’m concerned about how the malathion spraying is affecting them, and what the long-term consequences will be. My intention is not to compromise Dr. Feldman’s integrity. However, I am not convinced that this program is safe. On the contrary, the research I have done clearly indicates otherwise, and I would truly like to believe there is no danger.


