
VENTURA : Porn Video Seller Placed on Probation

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A Ventura man accused of selling obscene videos through a direct-mail business run from his condominium has pleaded no contest to distributing the videos in Los Angeles and has been ordered to pay $2,000, Los Angeles City Atty. Jim Hahn announced Monday.

Los Angeles Municipal Judge Abraham Kahn also placed George Joseph MacKinnon, also known as Donald Henderson, 42, on three years’ probation with the condition that he not distribute obscene material.

Deputy Los Angeles City Atty. Deborah Sanchez, who handled the case, said the case grew out of a Los Angeles Police Department probe of a magazine containing adult entertainment ads.


An undercover vice detective bought obscene videos from MacKinnon, conducted surveillance of his operation and eventually searched the condominium. Sanchez said police seized 43 videos during a Dec. 14 search of MacKinnon’s residence.
