
Prayer Breakfast Set for Friday

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Giving local civic leaders and residents a chance to build relationships, the Salvation Army has set its 22nd annual Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast for Friday at 7 a.m.

“This allows people to cement the relationship between the cities and do a little prayer with that,” said Robert Butz, chairman of the Oxnard/Port Hueneme Salvation Army Board of Advisers.

The event at the Mandalay Beach Resort in Oxnard will again be nondenominational. This year’s keynote speaker is Stephanie Edwards, known as the spokeswoman for Lucky Food Centers. She is also a former anchor of Los Angeles morning talk shows.


Butz said that even though the event is spiritual in basis, “we do not overburden people with the prayer thing.” He added that the event drew more than 400 people two years ago.

“It’s a chance to bring a message from people who are well-known and have something to say about the spiritual and moral upbringing of children in our community,” he said.

Tickets are $15. Call 483-5302 (days); 382-4937 (evenings). Coffee will be available at 6:30 a.m. before the 7 a.m. breakfast.
