
MALATHION, NOT: Lest anyone even think...

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MALATHION, NOT: Lest anyone even think about it, some folks in Ojai are launching a petition drive to have their entire, bucolic valley declared off-limits to aerial spraying of malathion. . . . That’s right, even though no fruit flies have been discovered in Ojai and there should be no reason to even consider spraying there, the Ojai Malathion Awareness Coalition is gathering signatures. The reason is simple, said member John Christianson: “We see this . . . as an opportunity to demonstrate that the Ojai Valley has many well-informed people who are strongly opposed to being sprayed by a neurotoxic poison like malathion.”

K$$$: Arbitron, schmarbitron. The numbers that local broadcasters are beaming about are the most recent reports on revenues. The Ventura County Radio Broadcasters Assn. reports a 6.5% increase in revenues this year compared to the same period in 1994. Local sales are up 6.6% and national sales have risen 5.6%, said the association, which includes stations KBBY, KCAQ, KDAR, KHAY, KKZZ, KOCP, KOXR, KTND, KVEN, KXLM and KTRO.

UNFRIENDLY SKIES: Things are not looking up for Oxnard Airport, which has been buffeted by competition from Camarillo Airport and now could face a new fight for passengers if the Navy’s Point Mugu airfield opens for commercial flights (B1). . . . Meantime, the Santa Paula Airport has its own concerns: a Times survey shows that 65 years after it opened, the county’s oldest airport also is the most dangerous of its size in California.


STREET SMART: Don’t you just hate it when overgrown trees and shrubs block exit signs on the freeway? Sometimes you even miss your turnoff. . . . Well, Caltrans tells Street Smart (B6) it will take care of the camouflaged signs along the Simi Valley Freeway. “As soon as things dry out a little, we’ll take care of the bushes,” said maintenance supervisor Dave Servaes.
