
NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA : Trustees Lean Against Proposed Tax Hike

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Newport-Mesa Unified School District board members said they are reluctant to endorse a proposed half-cent sales tax to bail Orange County out of its financial problems.

Board President Judith A. Franco said she would need more information about the tax, how the money would be spent and the 1995-96 county budget before taking a position.

Board members Jim de Boom and James M. Ferryman agreed that they want evidence that the county is slicing its own budget before taxpayers are asked to ante up.


Board member Wendy Leece appeared opposed to the tax under any circumstances.

“Families in Orange County are already carrying a large burden, and a tax increase would be detrimental to families,” she said.

Board member Edward H. Decker recommended that the board members ask questions of county Chief Executive Officer William J. Popejoy before taking a position.
