
PLATFORM : Americorps


In light of the current fervor to gut every social service program in the country in the elusive quest for a balanced budget, a defense of the newly created Americorps program is definitely in order.

Contrary to the images painted by critics, Americorps is about giving to America and getting little in return financially, but receiving a wealth of experience.

We in Americorps make the kind of impact at home that Peace Corps members do in Third World countries, yet no one questions the validity of the Peace Corps.


Current political thought seems to say that it is OK to spend tax dollars to benefit those abroad, but equivalent expenditures for community benefits at home are tantamount to glorified welfare.

Unlike entitlement programs, Americorps members work for the minimal compensation they receive, doing community jobs that otherwise would not have gotten done. We tutor children, conduct recycling studies, maintain trails, assist police departments, teach in schools and on and on.

Americorps is an investment in people, and it needs to be allowed to grow and fully prove itself.
