
VENTURA : City to Seek Funds for Bike Trail Link


Hoping to generate more money to complete a five-mile link between two bike paths, the Ventura City Council on Monday agreed to apply to the county Transportation Commission for $40,000 it has available in state transit funds.

The resolution authorizes City Manager Donna Landeros to apply for state Transportation Development Act funds distributed by the commission.

“It’s money,” Councilman Gregory L. Carson said before Monday’s meeting. “We certainly need it. That’s the biggest stumbling block for the project--dollars.”


City leaders want to complete a Ventura River bike trail along Olive Street that would connect the state coastal bike trail with the county’s Ojai Valley path.

But the project will cost almost $5 million, and the city has earmarked only $1.7 million so far. City officials are looking for an engineering consultant to perform preliminary design work and cost analyses.

The county Transportation Commission has $240,000 in state transportation development funds to distribute to various agencies. By law, 2% of the funds must be spent on bicycle and pedestrian facilities.

Carson said the project should be funded because it will also be available to residents outside the city.

“This is a whole regional issue,” he said. “There’s a benefit to people all over the county.”
