
City Treasurers to Convene Locally


More than 200 city treasurers from across the state are expected to attend the California Municipal Treasurers Assn. annual conference beginning Wednesday at the Mandalay Beach Resort in Oxnard.

Finance officers, investment specialists and commercial lenders will join scores of city treasurers from throughout the state for the yearly conference. U. S. Treasurer Mary Ellen Withrow is set to give the keynote address at a luncheon scheduled for Thursday.

Victorville Treasurer Adair Most will be installed as president of the association for the upcoming year, replacing Ventura Treasurer Kaye Mirabelli.


Dale V. Belcher, city treasurer for Oxnard, will serve as the general chairman for the three-day conference.

State Treasurer Matthew Fong will address association members on Friday, discussing state issues relevant to running a city treasury, association officials said.
