
Travel to Cuba


* Last month I received bad news. I was informed that the U.S.Treasury Department would not allow me to attend the 7th Annual Conference of North American and Cuban Philosophers and Social Scientists, to be held in Havana, June 12-26. My application, complete with my rationale and curriculum vitae, was accepted by the conference. That same application was not accepted by the Treasury Department.

When I told numerous friends that the “United States forbids my going to Cuba,” they were astounded! They could not understand the reason why the United States, the land that boasts of freedom, was acting in this manner. My European friends think this is absolutely ridiculous.

For the first time, it really hit home: United States citizens are not totally free. Not totally free to travel. Not totally free to become better informed about the one world in which we all live.


It is “curiouser and curiouser” to me that this same Treasury Department granted approval of my three previous visits to Cuba in 1989, 1991 and 1993.

Why not now?


Santa Ana
