
Flag-Burning Amendment


* Re “One Amendment We Don’t Need,” editorial, June 8:

If our politicians decide desecration of the U.S. flag is a crime worthy of a constitutional amendment, what type of punishment will this crime deserve? Jail? A fine? Perhaps a lengthy court trial at taxpayer expense to decide how severe the punishment should be?

And if the desecration of such a symbol (for that’s all it is) is so terrible, shouldn’t all those right-wing bumper stickers that say “Clinton =” with a hammer and sickle (denoting Communist Russia) be illegal? That’s a symbolic way of calling our sitting President a Communist. How about flying a Confederate flag? Isn’t that saying you don’t respect the current flag and long for the Confederate one? Should we call such things treasonable and illegal, or free expression of opinions, however distasteful?

Anyone unhappy enough with his/her government to burn a U.S. flag should perhaps consider moving to another country. And anyone who would deny that person his/her right to such symbolic protest should perhaps make the same consideration.



Huntington Beach

* Some years ago, then-Chicago Cub Rick Monday went into left field at Dodger Stadium to snatch away an American flag someone was trying to burn. He did not need a Supreme Court decision or constitutional amendment. What he saw was offensive and he took action. This was behavior I believe most of us would be proud to emulate just because it’s the right thing to do.


Rancho Dominguez

* My first reaction was “Hooray. It’s about time somebody said OK to a ban on flag-burning,” but it should go just a little bit further. There should be a permanent ban on any desecration whatsoever of our flag, not even by word of mouth. Old Glory flies and must remain flying in the U.S., over and above any flag of any other nation, in respect and loyalty for all it has always meant to the citizens of this country.

I’m going out to buy a new flag to fly every day, thus reminding everyone, citizens and non-citizens alike, of the care, respect and sentiment we all have toward it as a symbol of our love for, and thankfulness to the United States.


Newport Beach
