
Taking a First Step in Confronting Racism


* We attended a recent meeting in Palmdale convened by the Los Angeles County Human Relations Commission at the direction of Supervisor Mike Antonovich. The frustration of community groups and individuals was palpable. While officials of both Palmdale and Lancaster were somewhat willing to discuss racism and discrimination in the Antelope Valley, they largely discounted the seriousness and extent of local skinhead activity.

It is laudable that the meeting was held. However, we were disappointed about the level of mistrust and frustration among the participants, whose communication with one another appears to have been minimal. The fact that the individuals and groups involved have indicated their willingness to address one another is a positive first step. There must be continuing, substantive dialogue within the community so that the momentum from this first meeting will not be lost.

Once the community and its official representatives acknowledge and squarely face the problem, resources are available to support and promote solutions. The Los Angeles County Human Relations Commission and the Anti-Defamation League have already offered their services and expertise. In fact, ADL has several programs to teach tolerance and diversity in schools and community institutions as well as programs of instruction about hate crimes for law enforcement agencies and community groups.


Regardless of their assessment of the problem on the date that we met, the seriousness and urgency has become eminently clear since the recent tragic firebombing and the deliberate shooting of four African Americans outside Antelope Valley High School. The time for action is now!


Associate Western States Counsel


Valley Director,

Anti-Defamation League
