
Rabbi Baruch Korff


* Kenneth Reich is to be commended for his fair and unbiased article concerning the life of Rabbi Baruch Korff (July 28), who passed away July 26. Reich makes mention of the fact that Rabbi Korff rescued Jews from the Nazis during World War II, but I wish he had explained how he did it.

Rabbi Korff traveled across the country raising money, which he used to buy Jews from Heinrich Himmler. He was always a man with a mission; he fought both fascism and communism.

In the 1970s when the media and the Democrats were tearing at the fabric of our country, the rabbi, with his unequaled oratory, was reminding his countrymen of the great accomplishments of Richard Nixon. So many citizens had no “voice” during the Watergate era until the good rabbi became enraged at the treatment of the President. Rabbi Korff gave us a “voice” by speaking our words in his own unique and dynamic way.


My life, and the lives of many others, is a bit sweeter for his having crossed our paths. Farewell, dear friend, you will be missed.


El Segundo
