
Judge Defends Order to Woman to Speak English

<i> From Associated Press</i>

A judge who told a woman that she was dooming her child to life as a housemaid by speaking only Spanish to her apologized to housekeepers Tuesday but stood by his order that she also speak English to the girl.

“I do wish to apologize to the profession of housekeeping . . . I hold them in the highest esteem,” Judge Samuel Kiser said.

On Aug. 16, he ordered Marta Laureano to speak some English to her 5-year-old daughter. He had said, “You’re abusing that child and you’re relegating her to the position of a housemaid” by not teaching her English.


Her ex-husband had raised the language issue during a custody hearing.

The judge’s comments were blasted Tuesday by the state attorney general and a Latino lawmaker.

Laureano speaks English fluently. She said she uses Spanish at home because she wants her daughter to grow up bilingual, but said Monday that she uses a little English at home now.
