
Polycom Huntsman Agrees to Buy GE Plastics

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A major plastics supplier has agreed to purchase GE Plastics, a General Electric Co. subsidiary in Oxnard.

Polycom Huntsman, which has plants in Missouri, Pennsylvania and New York, has signed a letter of intent to buy the Oxnard compounding plant, which has about 75 employees, from General Electric Co. Terms were not disclosed.

GE Plastics produces Cycolac, Valox and other thermoplastic resins used in hundreds of applications in the automotive, telecommunications, consumer goods and computer industries.


Polycom said it would continue compounding the GE products at the Oxnard plant and would add its own products to those made at the site.

Polycom is a worldwide producer of resins, rubber and plastics. The deal is expected to be completed by the fourth quarter.
