
SOCIAL CLIMES : Laughs Are the Routine

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A silent movie plays on a large-screen TV as patrons at the Comedy and Magic Club in Hermosa Beach put in their dinner orders for herbed chicken or chili-cheddar cheeseburgers.

As dinner is served to this Saturday crowd of 225 people, the houselights dim, the curtain goes up and comic host Don Barnhart saunters up to the mike. First on his agenda is a risque joke about body piercing.

“All of you on first dates are looking to see if your date is laughing--to make sure this is funny,” says Barnhart, chiding those who turn red.


And if that wasn’t embarrassing enough for the new lovebirds, Barnhart goes on: “Telling a man you love him is like catching a deer in your headlights.”

While the jokes might make or break a few budding romances, the Comedy and Magic Club has long proved laughter conquers all. In business nearly 18 years, the club has featured comedians including Robin Williams, Rodney Dangerfield, Jay Leno and Garry Shandling.

A series of Charlie Chaplin posters and clown dolls hang from the walls of the establishment, where a mix of magic and laughter are offered nightly just one block from the Strand. In Igor’s Bar and Grill, a new addition, a vibrating phone booth and trick silverware that moves are in sync with the magic theme. The club prides itself on offering a unique showcase for ventriloquists, jugglers and magicians as well as nightly comic routines. “You can come here and see some of the best variety acts around,” says operations manager Blake Adamson. “You can’t do that at the other comedy clubs in town.”


Some may call his act absurd, but ventriloquist David Strassman keeps the crowd in hysterics with three dummies who can’t get along. When Strassman pits Chuck Wood, Little Ricky and Teddy Bear against each other, laughter is the only result.

“He said the ‘f-word’ ” says Little Ricky, tattling on Wood.

“What’s the ‘f-word’?” asked Teddy Bear.

“Mark Fuhrman,” replies Wood.

When the dummies finally make up, Strassman concludes his 45-minute routine. But instead of giving them the finale, he lets three dinosaurs perform the kicker, an animated rendition of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody.”

As Strassman exits the stage, comedian Wayne Cotter, whose comic credits include hosting “Comic Strip Live” on the Fox network and regular performances on Jay Leno and David Letterman, takes over.


Cotter’s description of a Caribbean cruise during Hurricane Luis and an explanation for why men created golf ring true with audience members, and the hoots and howls continue.

Regular Victoria Estrada says the good laughs keep her coming back. “It’s never the same routine when you come here,” said Estrada, of Hermosa Beach, who visited the club recently with a group of friends. “But it’s always funny.”


Where: The Comedy and Magic Club, 1018 Hermosa Ave., Hermosa Beach. (310) 372-1193.

When: Tuesday-Thursday shows start at 8 p.m.; Friday-Saturday, 7:30 and 10 p.m.; Sunday, 7 p.m.

Cost: Weekdays, $8.50; weekends, $10. All shows have a two-drink minimum. Cadillac margarita, $5; Budweiser, $3.50; Earl Grey tea, $2.50. Chili-cheddar cheeseburger, $6.95.
