
Pete Wilson

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I was relieved to read the results of your poll on public reaction to Gov. Pete Wilson’s high-speed bid for the presidency (Sept. 12). By his actions, the governor clearly places himself above those of us for whom he allegedly works. Imagine any of us running around seven days a week looking for that dream job, all the while happily cashing our employer’s paychecks. In most businesses, this type of behavior would invite dismissal. In California, until the next election, it can only be looked upon as public funding for one man’s hubris.


North Hollywood


* Why are President Clinton and all of the Republican candidates for President beginning to attack Wilson? He is the candidate who they fear the most! They know that Wilson not only talks tough on issues such as illegal immigration, crime and cutting government waste, but has taken action to address these issues. Everyone else, from Dole to Clinton, debates, promises and makes excuses. When the nation has a chance to see the records of the candidates, no doubt Wilson has to be considered the best of the bunch.


Los Angeles
