
Gang Slaying of 3-Year-Old

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Re “Wrong Turn Ends in Deadly Gang Ambush,” Sept. 18:

As I hug my children this morning, I am filled with deep sadness for the mother of 3-year-old Stephanie Kuhen. While politicians argue over ways to reduce crime and poverty, we should remember that no amount of money can give these gang members a sense of decency or respect for human life. Where were their parents 15 years ago? How much abuse or neglect did they suffer before turning into urban animals? Although schools cannot be responsible for the job of parenting, it was heartening to read another front-page story Sept. 18--the one of a lawyer turned high school teacher.

It is clear we must search deeper for the answers to society’s ills. Bill Crowfoot’s spirit and dedication give me hope that those answers might one day be found.


Pacific Palisades


* I retired from the LAPD in 1989 after 25 years of service. I live in Toluca Lake and have no desire to join the LAPD expatriates who have moved to Idaho and elsewhere. Today I returned to Los Angeles from a long hike in the Sierra. The first thing I read about upon my return was the mindless shooting of small children in Cypress Park.


To me, the key to this brutal crime lies in the statement, “It is common for 100 or more gang members to congregate at night in the middle of the street. . . .” In the 1960s and 1970s, if even eight or 10 gangsters congregated, concerned neighbors would call the police and we would respond. We violated no one’s rights, but would very often discover illegal activity, usually weapons or narcotics or outstanding warrants. Gangsters would go to jail and the neighborhood would again feel a degree of security. If there was no criminal activity (and I fully understand that some people will find this hard to believe), we usually told the gangsters, “Thanks for your cooperation,” and went about our duties.

It seems now that some sections of Los Angeles have been surrendered to the criminal element. I am very deeply concerned about this and I grieve for the victims of this crime.


Toluca Lake


* Your headline should have read, “Baby Murdered by Cowards.” It’s time to stop glorifying these cowardly acts with a term such as “gang member” and start calling them what they are.





* The deadly ambush of a car that took a wrong turn into a gang-infested neighborhood is justification enough for the use of the military to fight crime in this city. Some of these neighborhoods have been ruled by gangs for generations. Obviously the LAPD has failed. Why fight gangs when you can bust hookers up on the Sunset Strip? How many more innocents must die because no one has the guts to execute a plan of action? Maybe the military can. Where are the ATF and the FBI when we need them? Does anybody in city government care?




* The tragic, tragic death of 3-year-old Stephanie Kuhen at the hands of gang members demonstrates again the increase in violence related to the increase in guns! The National Rifle Assn. and other gun organizations have consistently fought all efforts to reasonably restrict gun availability. The result has been a flood of guns all across America.

In the L.A. Basin alone, manufacturers of Saturday night specials pump out over 500,000 of these little handguns every year. The effect has been to drive down the price to the $10 range--making it easy for every young gang member to afford one.


As a consequence, our security is being lost, fear is rising, business is being severely damaged and the cost to society is enormous. The only ones smiling are the gun profiteers: the NRA and the gun and ammo manufacturers and dealers.




* To those of you outraged by the shooting death of Stephanie Kuhen in Cypress Park: You can do something about it! You can start casting your votes for representatives who are ready to enact meaningful gun control.

If real gun control had been enacted last year, would it have kept a gun out of the hands of the gangster who killed Stephanie? I doubt it. If we’d enacted it 15 years ago? Maybe. Why don’t we try it and find out. To the extent that you don’t vote for these candidates, you are part of the problem.


