
Doris Allen


I am a member of the Republican Party who is frankly disgusted with the Republican Party leaders’ heavy-handed tactics in dealing with Doris Allen. They are bent on destroying the career of a woman who has been a very capable legislator for the 67th District.

She resigned as Speaker on Sept. 14 and now Rep. Brian Setencich (R-Fresno) has brokered the very same deal with the Democrats that Allen did. But are the Republican leaders going to seek his recall? No. The only difference between Allen and Setencich is that Allen is a woman and a moderate and Setencich is a man and a conservative.

This recall can now be seen for what it really is--an abuse of the recall process, and an abuse of power.





* Allen relinquished her right to be Speaker. And she owes every man in California an apology. The Times quoted Allen (Sept. 12) as saying, “Do I let a group of power-mongering men with short penises tell me what to do?” This sexist, arrogant, belligerent statement shows how small she is. Instead of discussing issues, showing her abilities, she instead resorted to name-calling. Is it any wonder that most citizens have turned off to politics and public policy?


Simi Valley


* Allen’s comment was disgustingly vulgar, and I am appalled that she chose to sacrifice her dignity in this manner. Allen is due the public outrage we would assuredly bestow upon any male politician making a comparable sexist remark. She has brought shame to my gender and, politics aside, I must side with the recall effort for this reason alone.


Sun City
