
Recall Organizers Will Stage Rally

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Organizers of an effort to recall Angela N. Miller from her seat on the Ventura County Board of Education will hold a rally Saturday to launch a final push for signatures, officials said Thursday.

Members of the Recall Education Campaign Against Larner and Miller will gather from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Sunday at Marina Park in Ventura, organizer Laura Peck said.

People attending the rally will be asked to “blitz” neighborhoods in Ventura and north Oxnard, seeking signatures needed to place a recall vote on the March primary ballot, Peck said.


Sunday’s effort is directed only at potential voters in Miller’s District 1, which includes Ventura and north Oxnard. But the recall organizers are also mounting a campaign to oust board President Wendy Larner from her District 3 seat.

District 3 covers Ojai, Camarillo, Santa Paula and Fillmore.

The two were targeted for recall after they voted in March to ban Planned Parenthood and AIDS Care speakers from sex-education workshops for teachers. Recall workers must collect about 15,000 signatures in each district by the end of October to qualify for the March election.

A month ago, both efforts were lagging in signature gathering, officials said. But since then, about 18 people have been collecting signatures daily, Peck said.
