
Pi Kappa Phi Guys Get Real Rush From Boxing, Stud Nights


The Pi Kappa Phi guys at Cal State Fullerton had a busy rush week.

There was Wreck on the Deck, a fight night at the frat house, where members and pledges duked it out with pretend punches. The boxers and boxing gloves were real, however.

On another night, they donned matching rugby shirts for a Pi Kappa studs contest, followed the next night by a beauty pageant. But because women were discouraged from participating in rush-week activities, in order to emphasize the benefits of brotherhood, the frat boys had to be a little creative with their beauty contest. They pulled a subdued version of “To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar.”

Finally, on Friday, they got to dress as themselves--semi-formally, that is--at the end-of-rush-week dance. Of course, at this event, women were welcome to participate.
