
HOMECOMING: A normally joyous event took a...

HOMECOMING: A normally joyous event took a sour turn in Woodland Hills on Thursday when actors Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger came home from the hospital with their 4-day-old daughter, Ireland. . . . Across the street, in a car, was Alan Zanger, an aggressive and well-known celebrity photographer. Baldwin apparently hit Zanger, who was later treated for a possible broken nose. Police, called to the scene, booked Baldwin on suspicion of battery (B4).

MAJOR STARS: Several Northridge Little Leaguers make their motion picture debut today in “Three Wishes,” a 1950s-era drama. The team that won the Little League national championship in 1994 portrays--what else?--baseball players. . . . How’s the movie? The team liked it, said parent Rick Tuber. So did Times critic Kevin Thomas, (F14) who calls it “the kind of film you wish they made more often.”

FROG PRINCESS: How do you tell a girl frog from a boy frog? That’s where Canoga Park Character Shop “creature creator” Rick Lazzarini, above, comes in. . . . He fashioned the new female frog character for Budweiser’s latest ad, which features a froggy love story. Not favoring the unisex look, Lazzarini says he gave the female frog a “more feminine” appearance. “Bigger eyes and pouty, pink, inviting lips.”


CALL OF THE WILD: Using amphibians to peddle beer is not as odd as it sounds. Marty Kohr of the agency that made the ads said a bunch of creative types were sitting around one night listening to frogs, when one of them noticed a croak that sounded mighty close to “Bud” and voila ! . . . But critics say the ads encourage kids to drink.

POLTICAL WEB: Politicians are hitting the Internet to push their platforms (A16), but not one member of the Valley delegation maintains a World Wide Web site. And only Buck McKeon of Santa Clarita has a public e-mail address:
