
Meanwhile, About That Rose Bowl Team . . .

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There must have been a collective sigh of relief at Forrest Gump U. when Michigan beat Ohio State. Now Gump U. doesn’t have to worry about Ohio State trying for the No. 1 spot by running up the score in the Rose Bowl.


Pacific Palisades


After reading the letters last weekend, it seems that the Trojan fans are very tired of losing to the Irish and the Bruins every year. I would like to propose a “win-win” way to resolve this annual embarrassment.

USC could cancel its yearly games with Notre Dame and UCLA, who could then play each other. Both teams would then have a worthy opponent in place of the annual cupcake.


USC would then be free to reschedule these two games with teams that have comparable ability. Can they play San Jose State three times a year?




When are my fellow Trojan alumni and fans going to stop whining about our team, coaches and “sub-par” season? Ohio State’s loss to Michigan put Northwestern in the Rose Bowl and demonstrates just how difficult it is to reach Pasadena. Believe it or not, a win over Northwestern will position the 1996 Trojans to do something only one Trojan team has accomplished: Win a Rose Bowl and defeat Notre Dame and UCLA in the same calendar year.


