
COMPANY TOWN : 3 Come Aboard William Morris

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William Morris Agency has added three veteran television executives to its TV department. Renee Kurtz joins the agency after recently leaving ABC, where she was a program executive. Paul Nagle, a former vice president at Fox Broadcasting Co., will specialize in TV movies and miniseries. Ray Solley joins the agency in the syndication and cable packaging area after heading his own consulting business.

* WB Television Network has named Brad Turell head of publicity. He was at Fox Broadcasting Co. and Savoy Pictures.

* Kim R. Spenchian has been named vice president of information services for MGM.

* Winifred White Neisser has been named vice president of movies for television and miniseries at Columbia TriStar Television.


* James A. Jusko has been named vice president of Keystone Entertainment.

* Arthur Levitt III, president and CEO of Rank Leisure USA Inc., is returning to Walt Disney Co. as president of location-based entertainment, a new Disney division.

* Larry Stephens was named senior vice president and assistant general counsel for legal affairs at Sony Pictures Entertainment’s music group.

* Twentieth Century Fox Licensing & Merchandising has appointed Bonnie Foley to director of international sales, and Susan Sherman has been named vice president of product placement.


* Laura Swanson has been appointed senior director of national publicity for A&M; Records.

* Stephen C. Rockabrand has joined TVN Entertainment Corp. as senior vice president of programming and new business development.
