
Talk About a Bum Deal

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We’re sure the final word on the O.J. Simpson trial has yet to be spoken, but we hope we have seen the final marketing ploy.

Just in time for the Christmas stocking-stuffer rush, JDK Products in Ridgewood, N.J., has introduced the Simpson Trial Toilet Paper. Each sheet comes printed with an image and a quote: Judge Ito (“I control my courtroom”), Johnnie Cochran (“If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit”), Mark Fuhrman (“I have never said the ‘N-word’ ”) and the defendant himself (“I could never hurt Nicole”).

Rather than argue about the evidence, says JDK products owner Jay Kamhi, “The American people should have a chance to administer their own justice.”


But Is It Art?: OK, what does female impersonating have to do with art? Well, that’s what we wanted to know, after we heard that those fabulous drag queens about town, The Chanel Twins, appeared at the Museum of Contemporary Art’s store to sign their new calendar.

The two glamorous faux Chanel-decked girls cruised up to the 9museum in a turquoise Porsche, pens at the ready.

When asked to comment on the nexus of aesthetics and gender-bending, Cecil Widdifield, MOCA’s manager for retail and wholesale operations offered, “I think what they do is in the way of performance art. And perhaps a comment on gender and society, stereotypes, that sort of thing.”


We’re not entirely convinced, but we do find The Chanel Twins more interesting than most of the sculptures in corporate plazas.

Playing Himself: John Walsh, the host of the hit TV series “America’s Most Wanted” and “America’s Most Wanted: Final Justice” recently arrived in L.A. to act in his first movie of the week.

The role he is set to assay is that of one John Walsh, host of the hit TV series “America’s Most Wanted.”


The movie, scheduled to air on Fox this February is called “America’s Most Wanted: The John Hawking Story,” after one of the series’ highest profile cases.

But John, we wonder, what’s your character’s motivation?

