
Life in the GOP After Doris Allen

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* Now that the Republicans have told Doris Allen what they really think of her, would she consider joining us Democrats? I hope so!



* So, gadfly Gil Ferguson has decided to run in the 35th state Senate District GOP primary against Sen. Ross Johnson, who pummeled Ferguson in a special election earlier this year. “I simply want to give people a choice,” Ferguson opines.

Ferguson’s egomaniacal self-absorption obviously knows no bounds. Republicans will need every dollar they can raise in order to capture control of the state Senate in 1996. Yet, Ferguson gleefully files to run against an incumbent GOP senator, knowing full well his action will help the Democrats by diverting precious campaign dollars from some GOP candidate in a competitive Senate race elsewhere in California.


Ferguson seems to imagine himself a latter-day Horatius at the bridge, single-handedly battling to save motherhood and apple pie from the “Orange County Republican Mafia.” This “Mafia” he and Doris Allen rail against is nothing more than a bogeyman on which to blame their political failings. Ferguson should just accept he lost because he ran a lousy campaign and Johnson ran an excellent one, and then do everyone a favor by fading into oblivion.



* Orange County Republicans, rejoice!!! Our Orange County Republican representatives (Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, Assemblyman Curt Pringle, and state Sens. Rob Hurtt, John Lewis, and Ross Johnson) on their ideological jihad have cleansed the Republican Party--at a bargain-basement cost to county tax panels of at least $200,000. Thanks, guys! As a conservative Republican, I sleep much better knowing my political party was able to settle its internal power struggles and personal grievances using our hard-earned (and easily spent) tax dollars!



California Republican League of O.C.

Seal Beach
