
Extra School Funds


Re “Wilson to Seek Extra Funds for Schools,” Jan. 8: Gov. Pete Wilson had good news and bad news for California’s public schools. The good news is that he wants to increase funding by $276 million. The bad news is also that he wants to increase school funding by $276 million.

The governor wants to put the entire $276 million into categorical programs. That means he and the Legislature will again act as the giant school board in Sacramento. This constant interference from Sacramento is why our local schools fail to operate--to educate--effectively. Also, since these funds will be for categorical programs, the schools that do not need the governor’s pet programs will receive none of the extra funds.

This $276 million is for one year only. It will do nothing in future years to lift California from the bottom of the states in terms of per-student funding. As businesses seek educated employees elsewhere, the governor still has not learned that inadequate school funding is anti-business.



