
State of the Union Address


Re “Shrinking Government Must Not Neglect Poor, Clinton Says,” Jan. 24:

When President Clinton talked about the environment in his State of the Union address, House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s face was a study. In self-control, I thought.

I believe very much in environmental issues, cleaning up the messes that spoil more than the landscape, and preserving wildlife and wilderness.

I am grateful to Clinton for standing firm on the environmental issues. He has backed down on many of his commitments and policy decisions. I will trust him on this decision to fight for the environment, however harrowing the budget battle gets. Or I will take my vote elsewhere in the fall.



Los Angeles


Bill Clinton is definitely the master politician. He found a way to appease the Democrats and Republicans and, perhaps, creatures viewing in from another planet.

One part of the address I found particularly frightening. (Newt Gingrich was not applauding at this point, as well.) It was the appointment of the drug czar. The war is unwinnable against drugs and the appointment of a three-star general, in uniform, seems to indicate an escalation of the benign effort.

No general or any human being can eliminate want. You cannot target demand with a missile or incarceration. Maybe this is all a smoke screen to appease everybody. Maybe the president is using whatever means he can muster up to get a second term. He is certainly intelligent enough to know, or maybe he is afraid of the corrupt opposition.


Los Angeles


S.I. Hayakawa correctly observed that the real message always follows the “but.” President Clinton said, “The era of big government is over, but . . . (insert same old stuff).” Right!

Regarding your editorial Jan. 24, thank you for acknowledging that President Clinton said exactly what Dan Quayle said about families and family values four years ago. I suppose that now liberal Democrats, news media wonks and Murphy Brown will praise it as enlightened leadership. I sincerely hope that this is a genuine change of attitude, not just another phony platitude adjustment suggested by this election year and the results of the 1994 election.




After listening to Clinton’s speech, all I can say is, he would make a great Republican.


Los Angeles


A great big thanks to Pat Robertson, Ralph Reed and the Christian Coalition, for giving Clinton the conservative middle ground and ensuring his reelection; he probably couldn’t have captured it without you.



Agoura Hills


Re “Dole Proposes ‘Another Way’ in GOP Response,” Jan. 24:

Having been a registered and voting Republican for 37 years, I had been pleased that Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kan.) seemed to be the leading candidate for the nomination for president. Until watching his reply to Clinton’s address, I thought his experience and demeanor--combined with what I thought was a moderate conservatism--made him a good candidate for our country’s highest office.

Obviously, I haven’t been paying close attention to him recently; although delivered in a colorless monologue, his speech made it clear that he is, at least, pandering to the radically conservative faction of the party. His choice of vocabulary--like others who espouse the same positions--breeds anger, frustration, distrust and even hate among too many people in our country. Small wonder that too many of the good and classy leaders of the Republican Party have indicated they won’t run for reelection.

Anyone else want to form an Orange County Republicans for Clinton club?




I guess Dole was at a loss to respond to the president’s speech, so he gave a campaign speech.


Pacific Palisades


Sadly, as I listened to the State of the Union message and the rebuttal to that message, at no time did I hear anyone invoke the disclaimer, “the loyal opposition”!


Bel Air


The best part of the State of the Union address should be, “Forget our party, remember our people!”


Los Angeles
