
Southland’s Airport Capacity


Steven P. Erie’s concern (“Why Southern California May Be Unprepared for Its Destiny,” Opinion, Jan. 28) is right on target and is shared by many of the region’s residents and business leaders. He is right again in suggesting that one or more of the area’s military air bases set to be closed would be an ideal solution to our most pressing problem of not having sufficient international and cargo airport capacity to handle the anticipated market growth. Putting our city or county planners in charge of evaluating and developing this idea would take years to reach a decision.

Mayor Richard Riordan promised to work toward privatization of city-owned airports during his campaign for mayor. Here is his chance to deliver on his promise. Give private enterprise the opportunity to convert a former air base to a state-of-the-art international passenger and cargo airport and, equally important, let private enterprise operate the facility in a manner that is more cost-efficient and user-friendly than the present Department of Airports operations.


Cheviot Hills
