
RETAIL DETAILS: For those trying to keep...


RETAIL DETAILS: For those trying to keep up with the changes at Bullock’s, The Broadway and Macy’s, here’s the deal: The Broadway at The Oaks mall just became a Bullock’s, but only until May 1. Then it will be a Macy’s. . . . The Broadway at Buenaventura Mall becomes a Macy’s on May 1, although its phone message already says Macy’s Broadway. And the Bullock’s at The Oaks stays a Bullock’s until May 1 when it becomes a Macy’s. . . . Meanwhile, the two Oaks stores are in the midst of shuffling merchandise. When they’re finished in about a week, the Bullock’s store will sell menswear and home items, and The Broadway--um, the other Bullock’s--will sell women’s wear.

SHAKY GROUND: The rock strata beneath Ventura has long been known as an abundant source of oil. It’s now the source of a new theory that earthquake hazards may not be as bad as earlier thought. (B1) . . . Geologist Robert S. Yeats disagrees, saying the Ventura basin is overdue for a big shaker: “Ventura hasn’t had one in its 200-year history. For that reason, I feel that the hazard is greater in Ventura than in L.A.”

OLD SCHOOL: He was a manager for GTE for three decades. He’s been a Ventura City Council member for four years and mayor for three months. Now Jack Tingstrom is getting ready to graduate from college. . . . Tingstrom, 60, will get his bachelor’s degree in public administration this May from the local campus of the University of La Verne. “It’s going to fulfill a longtime goal,” said Tingstrom, who focused for years on his two daughters’ education. After they received their master’s degrees, “They came back and said, ‘It’s your turn.’ ”


GETTING UP THERE: Tingstrom is scheduled to cut the cake tonight when Ventura celebrates its 130th birthday. . . . The city was incorporated March 10, 1866, but the city seal features the year 1905 as well as 1866. That’s because the city had to reincorporate in 1905 when it annexed some land, City Clerk Barbara Kam said.
