
Democratic Process Destroyed


Congratulations and thanks to the district attorney’s office for obtaining the first “guilty” [pleas] in the Scott Baugh investigation. Surely they are close--so very close--to laying out a complete conspiracy case revealing how Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, Assembly Speaker Curt Pringle and supporters developed the plan.

It is now clear that Baugh is in the Assembly probably as a result of these illegal actions, and that consequently Pringle was able to capture the Assembly speakership probably through related illegal actions.

The overall outcome is complete destruction of the democratic process in our California Assembly by Machiavellian politicians who claim to possess “traditional family values” the rest of us don’t have.


Is anybody else sick of their concept of humility, virtue and godliness?



Republican campaign workers Richard Martin and Jeffrey Gibson have both pleaded guilty to violating election law in the botched candidacy of Democrat Laurie Campbell. It is anticipated that more charges will be filed against [aides] of Assembly Speaker Curt Pringle and Rep. Dana Rohrabacher. All of this was done to aid Assemblyman Scott Baugh’s election and Curt Pringle’s election as speaker. But at what cost?

This episode has demonstrated how easily the political process can be manipulated and corrupted. While this is certainly not the first time these actions have occurred, it is hoped that this effort in stupidity will be the last. I think it is time that the district attorney’s office be applauded for doing their job, and that voters in the 67th Assembly District turn Scott Baugh out of office. Whether he played a role or not, his election is directly the result of campaign irregularities and corruption. Consider his removal a salve in the wound of an injured Assembly district. Let the cleansing of the Republican Party begin!


Los Alamitos

Memories abound as I read about Scott Baugh’s election to the Assembly. Two young aides of Curt Pringle and Dana Rohrabacher plead guilty to rigging an election and receive slaps on the wrist. Baugh, Pringle and Rohrabacher deny any knowledge of the crimes. Sounds like a sequel of a bad movie, Watergate 1.


Lake Forest

I enjoyed Dana Parsons’ proposed screenplay about our new assemblyman, Scott Baugh, from Huntington Beach (“The Canary Sings, Our Hero Squawks, the Plot Thickens,” March 10). It should be a real hit when it’s finished. Actually though, Baugh, given his demonstrated lack of scruples and integrity, will fit right in with the rest of the Republican gang who have taken over the state Assembly, and who are now doing everything in their power to trash the state’s environmental laws, to allow the paranoids in our midst to carry concealed weapons and to further weaken our poorly funded school system by instituting school vouchers.

Interesting, isn’t it, how the Republicans who are always twanging the “family values” string on their fiddle when they are playing to the public, are always completely devoid of morals when it comes to getting elected, even when it comes to cutting each other’s throats in the process. One wonders if Republicans are required to graduate from a “dirty tricks” school to qualify as a Republican candidate or if it just comes naturally.


Huntington Beach
