
Precinct Tally in Supervisor Race


* Final results of the supervisor races broken down to the precinct level show both election precincts in the Silver Strand area had someone other than John Flynn as their winner. Arlene Frazier won in those precincts with 60% of the vote. Although John Flynn was the overall winner, hopefully it will send a message to him that the Silver Strand is not happy with his representation.

Mr. Flynn took credit in one of his fliers for putting in the drains, streets and new water lines in the Silver Strand, when property owners like myself were assessed over $5,000 for the project.

I have lived in the area for eight years and have seen scores of properties change hands, thus resulting in millions more in property revenues. Yet even basic county services such as animal control are routinely denied. Mr. Flynn has stated that the Navy’s proposal to fly jets simulating missiles at the Silver Strand at hundreds of miles an hour is safe.


Mr. Flynn is now trying to push for an aquarium and further development of the surrounding harbor. Yet at recent community meetings more than 90% of the residents present did not want this. Mr. Flynn has spent thousands of dollars flying to Washington to promote his concerns, yet he didn’t even spend a few dollars for gas to attend the recent meeting with residents concerning the harbor.

Mr. Flynn has this next term to live up to his preelection promises of representing the beach area. However, this reader sees him as a poster child for term limits.


