
Council Opts Not to Annex 150 Acres

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Taking note of the opposition expressed by a group of angry residents, the City Council decided Monday night not to annex about 150 acres of land into the city limits.

The residents who live in six small islands of unincorporated land along the city’s northern border said they preferred to remain free of city control, and the council bowed to that desire.

“Legally we can’t annex the land if more than a certain percentage of the property owners object,” said Councilman Paul Miller.


About 500 people live within the six parcels, and the council was obligated to decide against the annexation because more than 50% of the residents opposed the move.

However, the council is considering annexing 42 acres of vacant property nearby.

City officials said they were required to initiate the annexation proceedings as a result of an earlier decision by the Ventura County Local Agency Formation Commission.

That decision allowed the city to annex another 2,900 acres for the planned Whiteface residential development.
