
Export help: A workshop for small and...

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Export help: A workshop for small and mid-size businesses considering exporting will be presented from 9:30 a.m. to noon Saturday by the nonprofit Asian American Economic Development Enterprises Inc. The free session begins with a dim sum breakfast in the Monterey Park City Council Chambers, 320 W. Newmark Ave. Call (213) 861-8949.

Chamber Web site: Business owners can get updates on pending legislation on the California Chamber of Commerce home page on the World Wide Web. Besides tracking the progress of business legislation, Internet users can jump to home pages of the California Legislature, various federal agencies and newspapers worldwide. The address is

SOHOA debuts: A new national membership organization, the Small Office/Home Office Assn., was launched this month in Reston, Va. SOHOA seeks to be an advocate for the estimated 43 million home-based businesses nationwide. Members will receive discounts on goods and services, plus small-business information at Mail Boxes Etc. franchises with SOHOA Corner centers. David Schmitt is executive director. Call (888) SOHOA-11 or view the SOHOA Web site at


Business start-up kits: The California Chamber of Commerce offers four types of kits for entrepreneurs ready to start their businesses: sole proprietor/partnership; corporation; LLC (limited liability company); and employer, for businesses with one or more employees. The kits contain federal, state and other government forms to start the business. They come in a generic version or customized for local chambers. Each is $40, available from the state chamber headquarters in Sacramento or at local area chamber offices. Call (800) 331-8877.

Class-action suit: Small-business owners who received delayed payments from the state as a result of the 1992 budget crisis are being sought as part of a class-action lawsuit. L.A. attorney Richard I. Fine, who filed the suit three years ago in L.A. County Superior Court on behalf of Lido Financial Services in Newport Beach, seeks to recover as much as $105 million due small businesses. Under state law, small businesses certified to provide contract services for the state are owed daily interest of 0.25% on any bills unpaid after 30 days. The state argues it is exempt from paying the interest because the budget impasse was caused by legislators, not state officials. Affected business owners must submit a claim form by Sept. 23. Call Fine at (310) 277-5833.
