
Residents by Sports Park to Pay Levy


Homeowners near the Placentia Champions Sports Complex will see their property tax bills jump by about $60 this fiscal year, but it could have been worse.

In a compromise move, the City Council voted this week to raise the annual levy imposed on property owners in an east Placentia landscape maintenance district from $95 per single-family home to $155.

It represents a victory of sorts for residents, because city staff members originally recommended that the new levy be about $300. That controversial proposal sparked standing-room-only crowds of angry homeowners at the last two council meetings.


A major complaint was that the burden of maintaining the sports complex should be shared by all the taxpayers in Placentia, not just those who own property in the landscape district.

Agreeing, council members removed the sports complex from the district and thus avoided the $300 levy. However, the council rejected options that would have left the fee at $95 or would have eliminated the levy entirely by disbanding the landscape district.

Glenn Weeks, who helped organize the homeowner protests, said he is opposed to any new taxes and resents the city’s handling of the matter.

“I’m disappointed that I had to spend 20 to 30 hours on this project,” Weeks said, “when I could have been home with my family.”
