


Kristine McKenna awakened my memories of the Hollywood Bowl with her article “A Bowl Full of Memories” (June 30). All of those people who took the long walk up from Highland Avenue into the Bowl from 1934 through 1938 passed me, a little runt singing his lungs out: “Get your mornin’ Examiner--Examiner for a nickel!”

The limos disgorged all of Hollywood’s stardom in front of me. Sometimes their chauffeurs would let me scalp their tickets for a (fair) split. I made a buck.



When I accompanied Barbra Streisand during her first Central Park concert in 1968, I thought that was the ultimate experience--little did I know. That was nothing compared to the excitement I felt when I accompanied her at her first Hollywood Bowl concert, on July 8, 1968. It was so incredibly breathtaking for this Illinois farmtown girl to overlook an audience of 18,000 people--the town where I grew up had a population of only 14,000!


I have been to the Bowl many, many times since then, and each time brings back the absolute delight of that evening.


Los Angeles

In 1956, I was 11 and made my first Bowl appearance as a member of “The Mickey Mouse Club.” Over 30 years later, other appearances I made for Disney merely affirmed my conviction that the intimacy of vast numbers of people joining together in this unique L.A. performance venue is literally awesome.

I have performed in other huge, outside venues including the St. Louis Municipal Opera House, the largest in the U.S., but nothing compares to the Bowl. I return each year, when not onstage, as a face in the crowd, loving the experience.

If it is a consolation, there is no respite from the tedious traffic, parking and exit, even when you work there.


North Hollywood

Greetings from the Hollywood Bowl:

Our neighborhood and thousands of commuters on Highland Avenue were assaulted one morning last year by the harsh “music” of a sneak buzz-saw attack. All seven of the magnificent 60-year-old landmark ficus trees that adorned the center island were quickly cut down to provide the Bowl with an extra lane to park five additional buses. It is used about 1% of the hours in a year.

The lush arbor gateway entrance to our community is now dominated by a bleak, empty asphalt lot. We will not give up until the trees are replanted.



Hollywood Heights Tree

Committee, Los Angeles
